Reasons Why It Makes Sense For Moms To Have a Lawyer On Their Side

As a mom there are a certain amount of people who I have in my little black book of emergencies, in there I have plumbers, electricians, handymen and most importantly, a selection of attorneys with varying specializations. Many of my friends mock me when I tell them this but I believe it to be highly important. This came about after my son was denied disability social security and I was forced into contacting legal support, I needed someone quickly and had nobody to call. There are so many situations that call for an attorney and today I am going to give you just a few reasons why this makes sense.


Ok, now I know that nobody wants to consider divorcing from their partner, perhaps occasionally but never with any real intent of course. With this being said it is a fact that over 30% of marriages will end in divorce and when the time comes, you will want someone on your side who knows you well enough and can represent you with your interests in mind. As anyone out there with children will know, divorce will hit them the hardest and so having someone on speed dial who cares about the welfare of you and your kids will help greatly should that awful time ever arrive.


Nobody is immune to making an error of judgement and if you are ever stopped and given a DUI, it makes sense to have someone that you trust who can represent you. Just last month a friend of mine was caught with this after driving the morning after a party and the nature of these charges means that you do not have time to research who is the best attorney to represent you. Naturally you will hope that this never happens but if it does, what better way of dealing with it than with an attorney who you trust!

Workplace Issues

There are a thousand instances that could happen to you in the workplace which are unfair and unlawful and in those situations it makes sense to have a specialist on your side. I cannot tell you how many people I have known through the years who have been forced to take legal action against their employer and if this ever happens to me, I will be safe in the knowledge that I have a lawyer on my side looking out for me.

Personal Injury

Accidents can occur anywhere and at anytime and they are usually the fault of someone’s negligence or carelessness. In such a situation it makes a lot of sense to take legal action and in order to do so, you need an attorney on your side who understands your needs. In order to save yourself the trouble of finding a personal injury lawyer after the event, make sure that you plan for the unlikely and find an attorney who can best represent you, before anything happens.

I consider having these contacts as a security blanket for myself and my family and to me these contacts are just as important as a plumber or an electrician.