Ways to Get Kids to Help With Chores

When you’re trying to get the house clean, or the lawn mowed, the carpets vacuumed or the dishes done, it makes it easier to have help, doesn’t it? If you have kids, it’s important to spread responsibility equally for taking…

3 Affordable Family Vacation Ideas on a Budget

Taking a family vacation can be difficult. Once you’ve organized everyone’s schedules, figured out how much time you have, and how long the vacation will be, the rest of the planning can be overwhelming. This is especially challenging in this…

What Not to Say to a Woman During Pregnancy

For some women, pregnancy is the most wonderful and magical time of their lives. For others it is a very real and scary struggle through those nine months. Many people want to talk about the pregnancy but far too many…

Things New Moms Are Sick of Hearing

Being a new mom is a big time in life and there are many ups and downs. Of all the times in a parent’s life people seem the most able to deliver insults and rude questions in the guise of…

How Long Should Moms Breastfeed For?

Most doctors and medical experts recommend that a baby be fed only breast milk for the first 6 months of their life. Breastfeeding exclusively for the first few months can decrease the likelihood of your baby getting a number of…